Fake Drivers License – If you’ve been charged with violation of 2C:21-2.1(d) e.g. fake dl, you have exposure for for jail time up to 18 months, fine of up to $10,000.00, criminal record. I have been practicing criminal law for 26 plus years and have handled many of these cases. I can help you avoid possible jail time, criminal record, max fines. Please contact me at (732)-337-7922 for an evaluation of your circumstances, and vigorous and competent representation in your matter. Fake dl
You are nineteen (19) years old and your New Jersey driver’s license is suspended and has been confiscated by the court. You and your college buddies like to go to nightclubs at the jersey shore. Just one problem—you’re not yet twenty one (21) years old and cannot get past the doorman without identification. No problem. A friend hooks you up with a guy who sells you a fake driver’s license that represents you are twenty one (21) years old. One evening you and a friend decide to go to Bar Anticipation nightclub. You present your false driver’s license to the doorman and miraculously he lets you in. Once inside you start to mingle when some idiot calls you a jerk and starts a fight with you. The nerve of that guy! Moments later a police officer is asking you to identify yourself. You give him your name and address. He asks you to produce photo identification and you show him your false driver’s license. Have you just committed a serious criminal offense?
d. “A person who knowingly possesses a document or other writing which falsely
purports to be a driver’s license or other document issued by a governmental
agency which could be used as a means of verifying a person’s identity or age
or any other personal identifying information is guilty of a crime of the fourth
e. In addition to any other disposition authorized by this Title…every person
convicted of or adjudicated delinquent for a violation of any offense defined in this section shall forthwith forfeit his right to operate a motor vehicle over the highways of this State for a period to be fixed by the court at not less than six
months or more than two years, which shall commence on the day the sentence is imposed. In the case of any person who at the time of imposition of the sentence is less than 17 years of age, the period of the suspension of the driving privileges authorized herein, including a suspension of the privilege of operating a motorized bicycle, shall commence on the day the sentence is imposed and shall run for a period as fixed by the court of not less than six months or more than two years after the day the person reaches the age of 17 years. If the driving privilege of any person is under revocation, suspension or postponement for a violation of any provision of this Title or Title 39 of the Revised Statutes at the time of any conviction or adjudication of delinquency for a violation of any offense defined in this chapter or chapter 36 of this Title, the revocation, suspension or postponement period imposed herein shall commence as of the date of termination of the existing revocation, suspension or postponement.”
The answer to the question is YES. It is a crime of the fourth degree to possess a false driver’s license not issued by government, punishable if convicted, by a monetary fine of up to $10,000.00, plus the imposition of possible jail time of a minimum of one (1) year and a maximum of eighteen (18) months, plus a criminal record, plus a driver’s license suspension for a minimum of six (6) months and a maximum of two (2) years.
Fake dl.
Ouch! All you wanted was a few budweiser’s and a new girlfriend—But, this kind of exposure is nothing to mess around with. If you’ve been charged with possessing a false driver’s license, you need to retain a skilled and experienced attorney immediately to get the charges downgraded. Call me for help at (732)-337-7922….