TAMPERING NJ WITH PUBLIC RECORDS—N.J.S.A. 2C:28-7 Tampering – If you have been charged with 2C:28-7 you need to know that this is a criminal offense exposing you to possible jail time, criminal record, fines of up to $15,000.00 if charged as a 3rd degree crime, if convicted. I have 26 […]
Stephen Gravatt
FALSE SWEARING—N.J.S.A. 2C:28-2 False swearing – You own a residential rental property occupied by tenants. The water heater breaks and you install a new water heater in the unit. However, the new unit has a defective flue and that violates the building code. You bribe the building inspector to overlook […]
New Jersey DWI Attorney defends drug DWI charges. Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.Attorney565 NJ 35Middletown, New Jersey 07748(732)-337-7922Email: pipking@comcast.net WHAT CONDUCT CONSTITUTES A DWI controlled dangerous substances? Most of us know that if you drink too much alcohol and operate a motor vehicle in the State of New Jersey you could […]
New Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorney. Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.Attorney-At-Law565 NJ 35Middletown, New Jersey 07748(732)-337-7922Email pipking@comcast.net DWI DUI Conviction – During my nearly 30 years as a New Jersey Traffic Ticket Attorney, I seen time and again that many drivers receive Traffic Tickets which can expose them to jail time and […]
1. Can cannabis facilities operate within “Drug-Free School Zones?” Experienced Marijuana Distribution Attorney defends charges of marijuana possession with intent to distribute. Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.Attorney-at-Law565 NJ 35Middletown, New Jersey 07748(732)-337-7922www.njdwicriminaldefenseattorney.com Marijuana Distribution – An experienced marijuana defense attorney can effectively defend you if charged with possession of marijuana with […]
Stephen A. Gravatt, Esq.Attorney565 NJ 35Middletown, New Jersey 07748(732)-337-7922Email: pipking@comcast.net DWI-DUI Law – Criminal defense attorney defends charged with DWI-DUI. N.J.S.A. 39:4-50 prohibits one from operating a motor vehicle on the roads of New Jersey while impaired by ingestion of intoxicating liquors and/or hallucinogenic drugs. Any attorney can advise that […]